By Dogon Saturday, October 2, 2021 New Open-World Horror Game Features An Evil Spider Train Named Charles - Kotaku It’s an odd concept for a video game, but I was instantly hooked by the trailer that the devs posted on Twitter yesterday. It seems I’m not alone. Over the weekend the trailer for Choo-Choo Charlie went viral, with thousands of people sharing it and commenting about how strange, but cool it looked. And what perfect timing to release this trailer, considering it’s October after all. Here’s how the devs describe the game over on the official YouTube upload of the trailer: “In Choo-Choo Charles you’re given the task of eradicating a monster known by the locals as “Charles”. Nobody knows where he came from, but they know why; to eat the flesh of puny humans. You have a small yellow train, with a map, mounted machine gun, and an exquisite collection of bobble-heads on the dashboard. You’ll use this train to get from place to place, while you complete missions for the townspeople, or loot scraps from around the island. Over time you’ll use your scraps to upgrade your train’s speed, armor, and damage. You’ll grow your arsenal, and (hopefully) become an unstoppable force, ready to take on the great and mighty Charles.”G/O Media may get a commissionIt should be pointed out that the name of the train and its evil vibes reminds me a lot of a children’s book, Charlie The Choo-Choo Train, written by famous author Stephen King. I’m told by some folks at Kotaku that this book is very important to the overall lore of the Dark Tower or... something. I don’t know. They started talking about books and I was too busy watching the trailer for Choo-Choo Charles again. Choo-Choo Charles, the scary train game and not the similarly-named King book, is out sometime next year. You can currently wishlist the game on Steam.Adblock test (Why?) 2021-10-02 21:30:00Z CAIiEGyrHOwJVkxAg43Aad579xMqFggEKg0IACoGCAow9YACMKFMMNPAjwc Bagikan Berita Ini Related Posts :ניסנקורן תוקע תקציבי חינוך "בגלל חרדים" - News1 מחלקה ראשונה ניסנקורן תוקע תקציבי חינוך "בגלל חרדים" News1 מחלקה ראשונה כל מי שרוממות החינוך בגרונו -… Read More...公明・北側氏「安易な自衛隊派遣あってはならない」 - 産経ニュース 公明・北側氏「安易な自衛隊派遣あってはならない」 産経ニュース 河野防衛相、11月下旬に中東訪問へ 自衛隊派遣で意見交換 毎日新聞 統幕、中東派遣部隊の具… Read More...在留外国人、最多282万人 7年連続増 大都市集中課題 - 日本経済新聞在留外国人、最多282万人 7年連続増 大都市集中課題 日本経済新聞 在留外国人、最多282万人 7年連続増 大都市集中課題 - 日本経済新聞 続きを読む … Read More...לא תישארו אדישים: סקין הוא הסרט הכי נכון לתקופה - ynet ידיעות אחרונות לא תישארו אדישים: סקין הוא הסרט הכי נכון לתקופה ynet ידיעות אחרונות "סקין": מחדש איפה שנ… Read More...הכרעה בטבריה (ד') - הדרדרות לסף מלחמה - News1 מחלקה ראשונההכרעה בטבריה (ד') - הדרדרות לסף מלחמה News1 מחלקה ראשונה הכרעה בטבריה (ד') - הדרדרות לסף … Read More...
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