
Wyrmwood Gaming Wants To Dominate Your Game Night With Hexagons - Forbes

Wyrmwood Gaming has been creating accessories for tabletop gaming, including the gaming tables themselves, for over eight years. In that time, they've fulfilled Kickstarter pledges for tens of millions of dollars worth of product. They've been so successful on the platform, they were able to expand from a small wood shop in Pennsylvania to a major manufacturing operation, merging with, then buying out completely, another woodworking company. 

Suffice to say, when Wyrmwood Gaming puts out a new Kickstarter, it's something to get excited about. 

Not only are you guaranteed a product (even if you have to wait a bit) but what you're going to get is going to be the envy of everyone else at the table. Wyrmwood's been at the game of games for a while and they're good at what they do. 

Enough With the Hype, What's the Campaign?

The Hexagonal Gaming System (referred to internally on the company's popular "Wyrm Lyfe" vlog as "Hexy Time") is the return of another popular campaign from 2019 - Tabletop Tiles. The Hexagonal Gaming System takes everything that was awesome about that campaign (modular tiles for gaming components and cards, magnets, a wide variety of gorgeous woods, more magnets) and makes it even better.

The Hexagonal Gaming System (I'm not writing that out every time, it's HGS from here on out) improves magnet placement with a simple but fundamentally important improvement. The polarizing magnet is a different color than the rest, so you'll always be able to align and click your tiles together by facing the silver magnets in the same direction. 

Also improved this time around is coasters. On the back of every single tile is a cork coaster. Not every coaster in the Tabletop Tile system could accommodate them. 

But again, I'm burying the lede. The thing to get excited for in the HGS campaign is the new tiles! 

  • The Tavern Tile puts a magnetic bottle opener on the flip side of a coaster. 
  • The Combo Tile is half a component dish and half a card holder (which smartly aligns with the grooves in the card tile). 
  • The new and improved Caster Tile that's now all magnetic so that, when someone bumps the table, you don't lose the ball bearings you're using to track your spells. 
  • The Tracker Tile is made up of three magnetic, clicky dials that you can use to track just about any stats that you need to track. Plop one of these down at your next Magic: The Gathering match instead of a D20 and people will know you mean business.
  • The Note Tile...because sometimes you've just got to take notes. And yes, you can buy refills. 

In addition to the new magnetic tiles, there's also a modular magnetic rail that you can use to store them! It's expandable, with available endcaps so that, no matter how many rails you need to store your tiles, it always looks like a finished product. The magnets are impressively strong as well. I tried to shake loose the set of five purpleheart tiles that Wyrmwood sent over and couldn't get them to budge. 

If you want a unique and practical way to store your tiles, there's a new Party Tray. This  leather-lined, 14-inch dice rolling tray can store up to 14 tiles (or seven hexagonal Hero Vaults). There's also a personal Hexagonal Dice Tray in case you want a smaller tray just for you. It also happens to be the perfect size to store a Hero Vault. While neither tray is magnetic their aesthetic is perfectly matched with the rest of the HGS.

Speaking of Hero Vaults, the HGS is introducing "Monsters and Maps" vault and tray combos. Monster artist, Crystal Sully (who's recently been busy creating a universe of dragons for D&D), and the "Mistress of Maps," Deven Rue, have created three unique designs. 

The Great Cthulu, Voide Hunter, and Frost Dracolich Hero Vault designs are all exclusive to this campaign. What's even cooler is that each creature comes with a dice tray that has a map of their lair on the leather liner. You can even get a display tile (that's, again, hexagonal) if you'd like to vertically display your Monsters and Maps merch. And you will. They're absolutely gorgeous. 

OK, I'm Convinced. How Do I Pledge?

I'll be honest. As much of a fan as I am of Wyrmwood Gaming, their fulfillment cycles have always been...fraught. I remember the days when you had to consult multiple tables just to get the product you wanted in the woods desired before you even pledged. 

The team has gotten smart in recent years, however, and now have dedicated backer calculators that are linked from the official Kickstarter page so that you can figure out how much your newest addiction is going to cost you. 

But the other issue has been pledge tiers. Wyrmwood Gaming campaigns burn through tiers like nothing I've ever seen. As of this writing, there are over 3,000 backers on the first day of the campaign. It was completely funded in the first 3 minutes of the campaign. This would usually mean that concurrent backers would be chasing after tiers that were pushed out further and further into the future. No longer. With the Hexagonal Gaming System, everyone is in one tier and orders will be fulfilled by backer number. It's simpler, easier, and will hopefully mean reduced logistics on the production side and easier fulfillment for backers. When you click into the Pledge Calculator linked at the top of the campaign page, you can see when pledges are currently scheduled to ship. 

All it takes is $20 to pledge but, as you'll see in the pledge calculator, once you start choosing exotic woods and putting together a loadout of game night tiles, that $20 is just a drop in the bucket. Even a meager wizard loadout (tracker tile, caster tile, card tile, and note tile) in Purpleheart will run you nearly $400. Don’t worry, you don’t have to commit to it all up front but just be ready to expand your budget when it comes time to finalize things after the campaign.

So, yes, the Hexagonal Gaming System isn't cheap. But having backed Wyrmwood Gaming campaigns for the past 8 years, I can say that their quality, craftsmanship, and dedication to making the best tabletop gear is well worth it. Head over to the "Hexy Time" page to get started.

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2021-08-18 01:15:52Z

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